



For a long time, the two sides of the factory and the local government have always reached a high degree of consensus on the original intention of industrial poverty alleviation. Luo Qiang said that in February 2015, in response to the call of the great poverty alleviation strategy, Maotai Group 

invested in the construction of Maotai ecological agriculture company in Danzhai County, deeply ploughing blueberry planting and intensive processing. In the past five years, Maotai ecological agriculture company has promoted the cultivation of 30000 mu of blueberries,同时致力   2020年是不平凡的一年,面对一场突如其来的疫情我们激流勇进,在逆势之时,我们凝心聚力、共克艰辛。

      花花公子皮具2020秋冬新品发布暨订货会圆满落幕!  新的开始,新的挑战我们迎刃而上、不畏艰辛!再次感谢花花公子家人们的辛苦付出,让我们期待下一 次的相遇。
Chen Min said that the establishment of the "youmi · homesickness" public welfare fund initiated by Maotai ecological agriculture company has taken into account in all aspects, such as its purpose, objectives, sources of funds and implementation steps. In the next step, the Provincial Charity Federation will build a compliance platform for the operation of the fund, and will give key guidance, support and effective supervision to the management of charitable funds and the implementation of public welfare projects.

"Player economy" honey group creates blueberry "style community"
本次订货会推出的产品款式经典、高雅、时尚、 潮流、休闲、 为参会者呈现了多个系列的秋冬新品。

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