


广州活动策划 今天下午,由山东省商务厅主办的山东出口商品(泰国)云展会在济南举行。


广州活动策划与泰国一直在多个领域保持着紧密联系,Especially in food and agricultural products, agricultural machinery, agricultural technology. At the end of may last year, I saved world food in Thailand博览会同期举办了山东品牌农产品(泰国)展览会,取得了显著成效。
山东省省商务厅副厅长吕伟表示,今年受新冠肺炎疫情影响我们不能如期见面,But we use the Internet, video conferencing platform will Thailand展会由线下转至线上,这是创新山东与泰国经贸合作模式的有益尝试。
本次“云展会”云展会分两场举办,展会Involving food and agricultural products, agricultural machinery, daily necessities, epidemic prevention supplies and other products. There will be 33 buyers from Thailand and 86 from shandong企业参展,通过前期匹配共安排“一对一”洽谈120多场。

Mondli pengpan, chairman of the Asian chamber of commerce for international trade and investment, said shandong is not only a populous province in China, but also a major agricultural and export province. They have held matchmaking meetings with the shandong department of commerce in Thailand many times, and shandong's products are very popular with Thai enterprises and consumers.They expect that there will be a strong rebound in social consumption in Thailand after the epidemic. Please seize this opportunity and seize the opportunity to purchase quality products at reasonable prices.

本次“云展会”,山东省商务厅联合山东省建行为参展企业提供了线上数字展位、直播展示等增值服务。We hope that the Chinese and Thai exhibitors can seize this opportunity, fully communicate with each other, achieve cooperation, reap friendship and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results,推进山东—泰国经贸合作行稳致远。




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