


新品策划发布会On December 6, 2019, the German SAL (vocal philharmonic) new product release conference and technical exchange meeting was held in panyu space of literary and artistic residents of guangzhou. The new product release conference was held in a relaxed and active atmosphere, attracting many attention from insiders.中国舞台美术学会音响专业委员会副主任羊晓方、广东舞台美术研究会会长梁溪清、广州市锐声灯光音响器材有限公司总经理陈建威和其他专业人士共同出席活动。作为德国SAL今年在中国的首场产品发布会,德国SAL与合作伙伴广州市锐声灯光音响器材有限公司隆重发布了SAL新近推出的多个系列新品。新品继承了德国精益求精的工匠精神,凭借更专业、更可靠、更高性能的卓越品质,以创新技术实力,掀起行业人士的关注热潮。多系列新品集中发布,将进一步为德国SAL(声爱乐)深耕国内市场赋能,推进德国SAL和广州锐声高质量发展,向实现合作双方之间的愿景目标阔步前进。

At the beginning of the press conference, Mr. Chen jianwei, general manager of guangzhou ruisheng lighting and sound equipment co., LTD., made the first speech. As Germany SAL brand in mainland China and Hong Kong and Macao region general agent, general manager of sharp sound, Chen Jianwei Germany SAL for seventeen years of cooperation, which began in 2002 in Frankfurt exhibition, in the cooperation of seventeen years, sharp sound and SAL expand the train of thought, positive innovation transformation, precipitation market thinking, more efforts to launch the user requirements of product. "Through the sharing window of new product release and technical exchange, more user groups can enjoy SAL's unique charm and share the world's professional quality," said Chen jianwei, general manager of voice.
SEEBURG acoustic line新品策划发布会是德国专业音响品牌SAL的全称,SAL成立于1985年,其创始人是Winfried Seeburg。公司位于乌尔姆Ulm的Senden,专门致力于产品研发、流动演出和固定安装市场的专业扬声器系统销售。SAL以产品的最高质量标准为基础,追求创新经营理念,保持产品持续性,培养客户关注度。SAL在设计及生产过程中一直都以音乐艺术作为其考虑的主要因素,不但为音乐家和音乐制作人提供高品质的音响器材,也为音乐领域工作者提供放心的器材,致力于通过精密细致的设计,营造出逼真的音响效果。
One of the things that SAL does is try to maintain continuity. SAL has been very focused on product development for a long time, which is why its products can be preserved. SAL only replaces, tests, and studies the new product if it is better than the old one in every way.
For further adaptation and build a more competitive product system, gather the possibility of more market development, including X series Germany SAL in conference, GALEO series, G series and TriSonus 10 series, speaker system, application scenario covers current performance, fixed installation, multi-function hall, conference, theater, KTV, small space for performing arts, bar the theatre, etc.
其中,同轴扬声器X系列是本次发布会的重中之重,它是针对多用途、多功能而设计的扬声器系统,作为多功能同轴扬声器,X系列共5个型号,X1(6.5")、X2(8")、X4(10")、X6(12")和X8(15")。X系列的所有型号在用作舞台监听时,能通过出色的频率响应让系统获得最大的反馈前增益,它拥有有着极高的输出声压,能让表演者获得理想的声音动态。顾名思义,多功能同轴扬声器除了充当舞台返送外,X系列还是一个多面手,能应用在大多数场合的主扩声里,专利的MultiRigg吊挂系统能让X系列扬声器极为简单地水平或垂直安装满足固定安装集成商的需求。制造商称X系列可以和SEEBURG acoustic line任何一款超低频搭配,以获得更宽的音频响应。X系列除了无源Passive版本,也有内置数字功放和HDLM数字处理模块的有源版本,并将集成AES67数字音频接口。
与此同时,为满足日益增长的音视频固定安装市场的需求,德国专SAL在发布会上还推出了一款新型的显示屏扬声器——TriSonus 10。TriSonus 10是一款配备两个长冲程5”LF扬声器和三个1.1”HF压缩驱动器的专业扬声器,3×1.1高音集成在一个专门设计的高音波导号角上,实现很好的耦合,TriSonus 10有较宽的水平覆盖和较窄的垂直控制特性。它专门设计用于与大尺寸的小间距LED屏、拼接屏和会议平板结合使用,现代化的超薄箱体设计以及特殊的安装系统使得工程商非常易于集成安装,单独定制的前面板可以根据不同尺寸的显示屏转换箱体长度以适应显示器。超宽的频率响应(50 Hz - 20 kHz)以及118dB的最大输出声压,可以显著提升显示系统的音质体验,解决了众多显示屏系统自带扬声器音质不佳的问题。
TriSonus 10全频扬声器可以被设计用于12m-25m大型音视频会议室、报告厅、阶梯教室、指挥中心等应用环境。可以嵌入式安装或壁挂墙面安装,亦可集成安装在显示屏两侧。

In terms of online array systems, SAL of Germany has also introduced to the market the GALEO high-precision line array speaker and G3 curve array system, as well as the GL linear array system.Among them, GALEO is the latest generation of high-precision line array loudspeaker of SAL of Germany, embedded with AMR, a proprietary technology of SAL of Germany.AMR technology means that the AMR horn panel is integrated with a channel to allow the sound waves generated by the low and medium frequencies installed in the back to pass through. For the sound waves generated by the 1.4-inch high frequencies, the air medium in the channel ACTS as a reflector and thus ACTS as a seal.Based on the excellent acoustic design, GALEO features rapid setup, beautiful sound, long projection range, and directional accuracy, enabling the GALEO line array speaker system to be used in almost all sound amplification system applications.





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