广告策划公司不容错过 | 2020 线上发布会直播ing|广州活动执行
广告策划公司不容错过 | 2020 线上发布会直播ing
为帮助更多中小企业提升智慧经营服务,即速应用在2019年12月就开始内测【广告策划公司】,A set of private domain traffic solutions based on enterprise WeChat, aimed at helping small and medium-sized enterprises to play with their own private domain traffic.
经过近半年时间对产品的持续迭代和反复打磨,即速应用将于今晚 8 点举行2020 广告策划公司线上发布会,正式推出这套私域运营工具——【广告策划公司】。
【广告策划公司】基于微信生态,借助数据互通、Intelligent marketing and strong ability of user behavior trajectory, providing one-stop SCRM solution for merchants, really help merchants to play with private domain traffic.
In addition to the basic attributes of users on each platform, the labels manually added in the later stage can also be synchronized in real time to draw accurate user portraits based on the user behavior trajectory and communication characteristics of different platforms.
1. 定向推送:企业微信支持员工进行定向消息推送,以标签为划分依据,给特定类型的客户推送消息,支持图片、文字、小程序以及H5等形式。
2. 社群运营:企业微信为员工提供了智能化的社群运营管理能力。通过万能会话+、聊天侧边栏中的快捷键实现社群的快速回复与活跃。
3. 小程序转化:企业微信后台绑定小程序,Employees can configure the pages of small programs with high usage separately according to their needs.借助小程序丰富的营销功能,促成流量转化。
Behavior trajectory tracking starts from two dimensions of page and commodity, captures user behavior, and carries out data statistics and analysis, so as to present the visual effect in the background。配合访客信息查询与营销历史记录,商家既可以补充用户标签,识别用户生命周期;又可以对营销效果进行分析评估,支撑运营决策。