疫情后时代“数字舞台”线上发布会启动 |广州活动执行
Huawei, ali, millet, Benz, geely, China mobile, China unicom, China telecom have recently, online conference was held in adversity form positive release the cooperation opportunity, in the form of information source, digital transmission technology, solved the conference channels and business cooperation of rigid demand, for the policy to preach, investment cooperation, product release, online sales, provide such as the spread of near field communication experience and get twice the result with half the effort effect.
April 9, inspur group "IPF2020 inspur cloud data center partner"线上直播大会,登录全网多个大型直播平台,收获热烈关注和流量好评。浪潮集团作为智慧计算的引领者、国内第一的服务器头部厂商,在疫情影响下首次启用云直播,将合作策略和产品信息集中输出,为2020年的蓄力发展顺利开启了良好开端。The online press conference flexibly solves the pain points related to "venue and attendance limit" in attending the conference, and meets the publishing needs of multiple types of conferences. As the director, producer and visual effect production team of IPF2020 online live conference, yihe dream digital technology co., LTD.用数字科技技术方式打造云端直播大会,结合虚拟演播室、交互体验等新技术手段为近6个小时的线上直播大会成功保驾护航,完美呈现了“线上会场&数字舞台”传播效果。
IPF2020直播大会采用了电视栏目级的高标准制作, 通过虚拟演播厅技术实时像,在传统色键抠像技术基础上,充分利用了计算机三维图形技术和视频合成技术、AR技术实现线上直播,实现全新的科技视听感受。
The online press conference can be held in the conference room, functional exhibition hall or studio, with a pre-built green screen background. It adopts the image cutting live broadcast and AR virtual reality technology, completes the picture transformation through shooting and post-production, and presents to the audience through the live broadcast platform, successfully restoring the realistic and ritualized conference release effect.
线上发布会,可以精准编排信息焦点输出,Effectively comb and push information; In contrast, the information publicity and dissemination of offline press conference can hardly guarantee that the visual sensory experience conveyed to every audience is the same in the physical space,后排的观众往往很难看清楚大屏上的产品信息(文字、图像),在引导传播上会有明显折扣。
与传统线下发布会相比,线上发布会最大的优势之一在于可以不受物理空间限制,实现跨越时空的交流传播;另一层面,线上发布会可以方便留存全时影像,并对影像文件可以再度分发传播,分割出更多内容进入自媒体平台,从而获得倍数级宣传曝光效果;随着疫情的影响,大家接收信息的行为,也更加依赖线上消息交流传播Such as checking social networking and news apps anytime and anywhere, paying more attention to authoritative information, and spending more time watching live broadcast on the Internet, all provide a positive atmosphere for online communication.
除以上几点外,线上发布会另一个优势是可以传递高创新、高难度的视觉影像,For example, art and technology content of high - dimensional animation films. The post-production team will meet to dictate or concept the product进行高难度的视觉转换,创造可视化的物理世界,让大家充分感受会议呈现或项目效果的魅力。