广州广告公司活动策划 :谜底新品发布会|广州活动执行
广州广告公司活动策划 :谜底新品发布会
广州广告公司活动策划原创设计师品牌MIIDII谜底在广州,This "the sea of metropolis roar", presented a winter to "the sea" for the theme is newly released.
Do we really know who we are in this world when we receive invitations? At least, the question of "who am I" never stops.谜底 冬,借助海的场域感,其实聚焦的是在人海茫茫中,那份作为人的飘荡与仿徨,失落与寻找。
源自海的灵感,Step by step foreshadowing at the entrance passage. Through the artistic effect of paper and shadow superimposed by special materials, the sparkling light of the sea is projected on the floor and wall of the passageway.在找寻自我之前,想象一个所谓的自己,存在于概念化的海的世界,要走到最深的内殿,就必须先要在外面到处漂流。当谜底独有的主题印花映入眼帘时,漂流结束,准备抵达感性节制的秀场,平衡内心的秩序,只等开秀。
This season from the outline, pattern to spatial relations to present the answer to the art of clothing intuition, in addition to European retro style with a consistent, but also through arbitrary, disordered wood remodelling the form of printing, bring out the vitality from nothing,是一种对个体的自我表现和内在情绪的重视。抽象艺术的插画,隐喻了主题故事中丢失的珍珠。纯粹、充满鲜明对比的色彩,以一种“融”的状态去表达现代与复古。整体蕴藏的浓郁感,给冬季带来充满感官厚度的温暖。